Designing a Simulator for a Cache, Branch Predictor, and Out-of-Order Pipelined Superscalar

ECE 563 Microprocessor Architecture



CacheSim is a trace-driven cache simulator that implements the Write Back Write Allocate policy. It is generic and can be instantiated at any level in the memory hierarchy - L1, L2, or L3. It is also flexible and can be configured to support any cache size, block size, or associativity. Furthermore, CacheSim can be augmented with a stream-buffer prefetch unit whose size (# of stream buffers) and degree (# of blocks prefetched) is specified at the start of simulation.

CacheSim was built to compare the performance, area, and energy of different memory hierarchy configurations using a subset of the SPEC 2006 and SPEC 2007 benchmark suites.

๐Ÿค– Working

Introducing a stream buffer prefetch unit adds another layer of complexity to CacheSim. The prefetch unit can support N stream buffers each of which has a degree M. Each buffer has a valid bit that indicates the validity of the buffer as a whole. A valid bit of 0 implies that the buffer is empty and 1 implies that the buffer is full and contains M consecutive memory blocks. A R/W request for a block X has to now search both the cache and the stream buffer(s). As such, there are four possible scenarios.

  1. Create a new prefetch stream: requested block misses in the cache and stream buffer
  2. Benefit from and continue a prefetch stream: Requested block misses in the cache but hits in the stream buffer